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Actin filaments enclosed in a microwell
Micropatterned actin filaments in Microwells
Array of actin filaments growing out of micropatterned bars coated with lipids and low density of nucleation factors
Array of actin filaments growing out of micropatterned bars coated with lipids and high density of nucleation factors
Nucleation of actin filaments from a bead
polarization of HSC in contact with osteoblast
Microtubule aster in actin-coated microwell
Nucleus deformation by microtubules during HSC differentiation
polarization of HSC in contact with osteoblast
Actinin (yellow) and actin (blue) in micropatterned cells
Microtubule networks in cytoplasts
Centrosome centrosome nucleating actin filaments and microtubules
Actin and microtubule competition at the centrosome
actin(red) and microtubules crosstalk
Microtubule network in a round cytoplast
Growth of actin lamellipodium from micropattern in vitro
Stable microtubule array during ciliogenesis
Dynamics of cellular actin network
Microtubule self-repair
Microtubule destruction by molecular motors
Microtubule Rescue
Organisation of microtubules in vitro by Kip3
Micropatterned asters of microtubules
Microtubule Asters
Microtubule Aster
Averaged Microtubule asters
Acto-myosin contraction of micropatterned actin rings
Contraction of actin ring in vitro
Micropatterned actin ring
Micropatterned actin star
Array of micropatterned actin-nucleating dots
No Flow Chamber
Evolution of the shape of cell doublet during EMT
Evolution of microtubules in cell doublet during EMT
Cell Array
Acetylated Microtubules
Traction force production by cell doublet
Polarity of doublet of epithelial cells
Array of single and quiescent cells of various size
Ciliogenesis in small cells
Cell shape reprograming with live-laser-patterning
Micropatterned cells
Asymmetric Division of mesen chymal stem cell
Centrosome centering
Actin network on a crossbow-shaped micropatterned
Averaged cell
Spindle orientation in micropatterned cells
Actin and focal adhesion in micropatterned cells